Celebrating 75 Years of Proraso

Celebrating 75 Years of Proraso

The popular Italian brand, Proraso is this year celebrating 75 years of looking after the grooming needs of men around the world. Specialising in men's grooming products such as shaving creams, soaps, and aftershaves, it has a long and rich history that dates back over a century well before it sat on the shelves of Italian Barbershops. But where did it all start?
Team G + S
Six Key Benefits Of Using Beard Oil

Six Key Benefits Of Using Beard Oil

When you are growing out your beard for the first time then beard oils make a lot of sense and with their many benefits, should probably be your first stop when it comes to your beard care journey. So, let’s explore some of those benefits in more detail.
Team G + S
Applying Men's Concealer to Cover Pimples - A "How To" with the Stryx Product 01

Applying Men's Concealer to Cover Pimples - A "How To" with the Stryx Product 01

Traditional concealer as any makeup expert worth their salt would tell you, requires a base, concealer, and finish. The Product 01 Concealer Tool from Stryx is a men’s concealer tool that was designed to be applied with a simple swipe, dab, and rub.
Team G + S
Our Welcome Blog

Our Welcome Blog

Welcome to today's humble introductory blog which will be the first of many blogs to come. Our blogs are set to feature and highlight so much more about what it takes to be a better individual than what you would expect from...
Team G + S